About our campaign…
We are parents campaigning to stop the proposed closure of both Fernbank and Hillside children’s centres, in Hackney, N16. They both include subsidised nurseries that offer affordable childcare to local families.
Hackney Council is running a consultation on the new Early Years Strategy and the proposed closures to Fernbank & Hillside Children’s Centres. The consultation on the closures will close on 16th November 2021, so we have very limited time to save this vital community childcare provision.
Hackney Council states this is a “re-provisioning of children’s centres to make savings and to target resources to our most vulnerable and disadvantaged children” – in reality this is a cut of 109 affordable childcare places to Hackney families, many of whom are vulnerable and disadvantaged - a fact which is highlighted by their own Equality Impact Assessment.
The cut means a loss of around 20% subsidised nursery places in Hackney and 26% of subsidised places for 0-2-year-olds.
Critically, these childcare places can service many more than 109 families as some choose to use them part-time.
The Children’s Centres also provide numerous other services for local families, such as stay and play and Special Educational Needs and Disability support.
We are calling on the Mayor of Hackney to:
Immediately halt the proposed closures of Hillside and Fernbank Children’s Centres.
Commit to safeguarding all subsidised childcare places and children’s centres.
Ensure that subsidised childcare places are properly advertised so families are aware of the service available to them.
Show your support for our campaign by completing the consultation survey and strongly disagreeing with the plans and the proposed closures on question 9 of 10.
Reply to the consultation via email
Tap on the SEND EMAIL button below and an email template will automatically generate for you to reply directly to Hackney Council’s consultation on the proposed closures.
Simply add in any detail you like and remember to include your name and postcode.
Donate to help our campaign
This will cover the legal fees of our solicitors who will be investigating and considering all of the decision-making and consultation paperwork, advising us on the merits of a potential challenge, and preparing pre-action correspondence to the local authority.
Email the Mayor of Hackney and demand he stop the closures.
Send an email directly to the Mayor of Hackney to demand that he stops the closures. When you tap the button below an email draft will auto-generate ready for you to send. Add in any personal details you wish at the top of the email.
Follow us on Twitter
Follow our campaign Twitter accounts and get sharing to raise awareness!!
Contact us
This is a community campaign, so please get in touch if you would like to help or offer any support.
In the press
Read about how we have been fighting hard to Save Fernbank & Hillside Children’s Centres.
Illustration from @franciscodelam in November's issue of The Hackney Citizen.
“Years ago, my son got support from the Council and it was essential for his early development. This picture of him communicating with Makaton always makes me smile. My illustration for the @hackneycitizen is my contribution to the @Save_Fernbank and @SaveHillsideN16 campaign.”